My Man On The Bleachers

You sit by me, Waiting



I thought I might move Over,

make some Space

between us


Who are you?

sitting beside me

the Field before us



Are you here to Gather

as I am,


the bits and pieces

which, in the Frenzy

of everyday, get dispersed?

Or are you here to remind me

of what I mustn’t lose?


That in truth

there is nothing more to Fear


bleachers-016-big -mystery Version lighter


Macadam Wolf


White with wisps of black

as if touched by my grandfather’s smoke

Tip of you Encircled

the trap didn’t catch you

my snowy roamer,

howling you called me

begging me to closen

I approached carefully

all the while bending to your Height


Finally in the kiss of Kinship we Bonded

with the ritual scent searching

and proffering of posteriors


Fierce but connected

Social yet independent

you shook my hand and without

drooling nuzzled my cheek,

your great whiteness Abounding


a loner missing your pack

you found me, another loner seeking my pack

where Wanderers Unite

Cease Pacing the Earth

in search of their Backyards

from Soul to Soul

I bow to your wild Elegance

silent hero

Champion of the Pack



Art Work By Yaron Rosner

Art Work By Yaron Rosner


My Anchor

To My Uncle Ty


Your shoulders held me high Above

the fray, the calm strength

of your hands hoisted me Up-

sliding around your neck

into your arms, down again

Terra Firma


The years apart, where

only Fleeting memories

of your warmth

the Vibrato of your chest

as you spoke carrying me,

surfaced and faded


As I grew into my fullness

I looked for you

Begged your mind

Prodded your heart

found Sustenance in Both


Now in the Winter of your life

you stand so Tall, profoundly farsighted

your Vision ever so prescient

the warmth and equanimity



You look upon me

the same admiring love

with which years ago

you used to teach me the value

of my intuition, strength of my character

I look into those eyes, your Face

the rounded shoulders,

the missing Digit

see the Anchor

you have been


All My Life


Tree in the Dark

Wearing Your Scarf


In the choice of Rubbing

Wool into Silk,

Saturating it with several Colors

merging in Spheres

as if by Consent,

you give something

of your Substance,

Renders like a piece of you

brushing my neck

a whisper

only, but a whisper

all the same –


a Murmur of your person


only I can detect,

cherish, as I Wrap

the wool and silk

about my Nape


On the point of Departure

you have turned

once more, Winked

as you do

then faced your new Destiny

moving forward

leaving a Thrum

such a coded message

embedded in the Work

of the life you leave



TSW Scarf