On This Day


On this Day

I write for You


On this Day

Our Memories Collide

Merge and Coalesce

make us that Single

Person with so many Others

where, with amalgamated

memories potentiating

each other

we become a part

of something so much Bigger


our personal wills ineffective

we can only feel

and re-feel


a Spiral of ever increasing

and decreasing



On this Day

you and I

are One

Encompassing a Body

of Millions


whether of The Murdered

 The Survivors

or The Saved

we are them

and each other

For a Day


On this Day

I write for Us


The Sundering

To All My Sisters


Smooth Roundness

such Bells of Flesh

calling to Feed

both body and soul

Ring out in their Sensuous

appeal for tenderness

These bells, Embodiment

of how we nurture Life into Being

and Being into Humanity,

these fine bells

tense and loud at first

then longer

more Sonorous with Time,

extensions of our heart’s Fiber

like limbs of deeper giving


To sever these bells

is to remove our outward


as Life Givers

it comes at great sacrifice

endows us, yes,

with a profounder grasp

of our responsibility

as Thrones of Life,



arises first


Art Work By Yaron Rosner

Art Work By Yaron Rosner

The Rhododendron Lady

Your lips, Quiz

Art Work by Jessica Hengen

Art Work by Jessica Hengen

squinting, you peer

into our World

and Wonder

why did I come here?


Laced with heady Blossoms

Succulent leaves

always Verdant

you look at us

and Wonder

why so much Effort?


Embalmed with persuasive fragrance

you interrogate the substance

of our Lives


why so much Pain?


Girdled by your Dark crown

caught between two worlds

you come forward

as we toil,


what have I done?


with every question

another leaf,

sometimes a bloom,

As queen you bear

many names,

As one of us

an outsider

you give Solace

to Some

Annoyance to others


the ambiguity

of your presence

a reminder

how feeling discomfort

can be a blessing

in Disguise

The Staining

    For Adi

That moment

when out of Nowhere

you feel deeply Alone

you don’t know why

but you know

your life

has changed

never to be

what it was-


the irrevocable


into a New World



All At Once

a concept so unknown

so remote

so Massive

Fear Coated with Dread


and yet somewhere


deep deep down

a miniscule seed

set Aglow

with Worth


even Joy

in the budding


as Life Giver

Art Work by Yaron Rosner

Art Work by Yaron Rosner


It’s time to get out of the community center

I rise, call my cubs to me: “We’re getting a ride, let’s go.”

Full moon oncoming like a tidal wave

PMS hanging me by the skin of my Sacrum

it is time to make for the door

Breathe dense oxygen, the illusion of relief

just a minute’s worth,  anything will do


The other lioness whose shoulder slowly rises

as she languidly mounts the steps

speaks to me in 2 dimensions only

explains everything she says,

I must look challenged

“No, I’m not frowning, just a bit tired”

I jump up onto the sidewalk and start slowly down the street

my pups trailing in front of me

The other lioness pushes her pram with her mouth

still manages to ask questions


Why don’t the dark clouds here bring rain?

why do they move on?

My ears are buzzing

I count the cobblestones with my paws,

soon to collapse in my den

feed and bathe my young

send them to bed with a Sigh

Art Work By Yaron Rosner

Art Work By Yaron Rosner

Wearing Your Scarf


In the choice of Rubbing

Wool into Silk,

Saturating it with several Colors

merging in Spheres

as if by Consent,

you give something

of your Substance,

Renders like a piece of you

brushing my neck

a whisper

only, but a whisper

all the same –


a Murmur of your person


only I can detect,

cherish, as I Wrap

the wool and silk

about my Nape


On the point of Departure

you have turned

once more, Winked

as you do

then faced your new Destiny

moving forward

leaving a Thrum

such a coded message

embedded in the Work

of the life you leave



TSW Scarf