The Revival

You Returned

from the Dead,

as did Lazarus,

the continuation

into your New Life

a Resurgence

from Deepest Darkness


You carry Now

profound insight

into Our Humanity,

as revealed by the modulated

Spring in your Step

the Smile,

the ardent generosity

and more importantly

the Absence of Sadness


Art Work by Yaron Rosner

Art Work by Yaron Rosner

To My Uncle Ty


Carved In Flesh

Erasing what is carved in Flesh

Takes decades if it happens at all

So much concealing,

So much conscious Effort

So much Reassurance,

Smoothing of tissue


Erasing what is carved in flesh

involves Rewiring,



Tedious and Trying

So much tripping


with Love & Belonging


Erasing what is carved in Flesh

Is for the Hearty,

Those who when Necessity

calls, see no Choice

But to be Who they Are,

Come what May


Art Work by  Yaron Rosner

Art Work by Yaron Rosner

Magicians Of The Body

To L.S.H, K.M, D.L, A.S, A.F


Those who walk us through the motions

of coming alive again,

Teach us to breathe

in ways and places we never dreamt of,

open horizons, develop muscle,

tissue, blood, carrying more oxygen

we had until then carried


with constant heedful reminders

they bring us back to here, now

the body as it is and feels

have us contact the immediacy of our life

the beauty of one’s Vessel

carrier of the Soul,


Soul they were text messaging

the whole time, with their fingers

deft, like Morse, where less

is more.

Art Work Yaron Rosner

Art Work Yaron Rosner