Bodies From The Sun – Part II

To The Cirque Du Soleil


Your Body the Sun has kissed longest,

though finely tuned

the Bone has begun to Bend

the flesh around the still

precise muscle, has Thinned

shows its wear, Reveals

not only the Years of Prowess

but also the pain in achieving its Might

More human, more vulnerable,

certainly more beautiful

you have descended from those Heights,

Grounded by your gathered years and wisdom

you make us Laugh


that we could reach out

touch the Weathering of your tone

know the Stories in your Skin

Lillian Leitzel Aeralist 1882-1931

Lillian Leitzel Aeralist

Bodies From The Sun – Part I

To The Cirque Du Soleil


Part Bird part Human

Lean, lithe, strong, you swing

making of your legs

trailing feathers,

which follow the graceful

flow of your body’s circumlocutions

Breathless we watch you spin

then stop, Airborne,

held in space by our Stare,

Slowly your body bends into a ball

shot as if from a canon, you spread

holding by one hand only

thirty feet above ground, hands clap,

you are upside down, Suspended

by one foot spinning endlessly

until you spring once more Upright

and gasping for Breath, we Roar.


Your body no more the clumsy Flesh

cumbersome and limiting

rather an Instrument

exquisitely tuned

fulfilling its Purpose


Part II Next Week


Lillian Leitzel Aeralist 1882-1931

Lillian Leitzel Aeralist


Magicians Of The Body

To L.S.H, K.M, D.L, A.S, A.F


Those who walk us through the motions

of coming alive again,

Teach us to breathe

in ways and places we never dreamt of,

open horizons, develop muscle,

tissue, blood, carrying more oxygen

we had until then carried


with constant heedful reminders

they bring us back to here, now

the body as it is and feels

have us contact the immediacy of our life

the beauty of one’s Vessel

carrier of the Soul,


Soul they were text messaging

the whole time, with their fingers

deft, like Morse, where less

is more.

Art Work Yaron Rosner

Art Work Yaron Rosner