I Come With My Ancestors

I come with my Ancestors

to tell you a tale

of loss and acceptance

love and redemption


I bring with me

the long line of people

preceding my coming

 they gather around my person

as I sit here to tell you

that no story is told

without the telling

of ones Forbearers

 those who have passed on

their feats, failures

loves and fears

to us, their Continuance


I come to you today

with the stories of a people,

my people, told already

or untold, their stories

that are mine will be revealed


my Elders

the intrinsic matter

of my genetic make up

 the fabric

of so many mysteries

 a weft of understanding

woven into my soul

when I listen


my ancestors

loved or unloved

they are my life

and I, in the middle of my journey

am an Elder in the making


les trois freres

Listening To Birds

The whispers of Centuries

passed down

in code,

such Cellular messages

repeating themselves incessantly

to the same End


There is no time lost

she sayslistening to birds gold

only time deepened


the repetition, of a stutter

a Call,

the re-enactment

of a moment


Nothing is forfeited in Repetition

we repeat the moment


until we Seize the moment

or don’t



the lies we tell ourselves

Convince ourselves of

the white linings

we fabricate,

just a bit longer

Just until I reach This point…

like cards perpetually



for dear life


until one day

that flash of Transparency

in a heartbeat


the light Strengthens

consenting focus

the cards are gone

the linings

the lies are what they have always been

that Moment of Nudity



harder as time passes

and all the more Necessary


No blame

merely the simple Modesty

of our Tangible reality


Photograph by Nick Zungoli

Photograph by Nick Zungoli


It’s time to get out of the community center

I rise, call my cubs to me: “We’re getting a ride, let’s go.”

Full moon oncoming like a tidal wave

PMS hanging me by the skin of my Sacrum

it is time to make for the door

Breathe dense oxygen, the illusion of relief

just a minute’s worth,  anything will do


The other lioness whose shoulder slowly rises

as she languidly mounts the steps

speaks to me in 2 dimensions only

explains everything she says,

I must look challenged

“No, I’m not frowning, just a bit tired”

I jump up onto the sidewalk and start slowly down the street

my pups trailing in front of me

The other lioness pushes her pram with her mouth

still manages to ask questions


Why don’t the dark clouds here bring rain?

why do they move on?

My ears are buzzing

I count the cobblestones with my paws,

soon to collapse in my den

feed and bathe my young

send them to bed with a Sigh

Art Work By Yaron Rosner

Art Work By Yaron Rosner