The Lunatics Of My Life

Like Silver fish

they shimmer

A Promise of Another World

with a smile and a flap of their tail

they beckon,

scents of pine and sea breeze

envelope my blindness

invite me closer

Elusively seductive and volatile

the pleasure

in the Shine

of that immaterial moment

comes laden

with the tortuous


of a mind


  most unexpectedly,

the luster dulls with a clank,

what appeared so alluring

 stands monstrously


the sparkle

that assured me a jewel

becomes an old steel blade,

I am left with a sinking ship

a moment’s panic

To avoid the inevitable

I back away,

bowing ever so slightly

to the Glow

of their madness.


Written In Water

Written in the water of my life

are the whale songs of my beginning

long moans recalling the trappings

of my condition as well as the joys

of its definition

words appear, dissolve

elusively uttering riddles

leaving me to churn in the flow

of their meaning

Carried by the movement

I cannot fight

lest I be drowned

by the oblivion of unconscious thought

Spiraling I revisit the sounds

at once strange and familiar

until in recognition

they find their resting place

in the resonance of my beating heart.

whale songs

The Skin


Skin, our outermost garment

tells our innermost story, reveals

Sins of commission and omission

shades of wax, a burdened liver

reds, an excitable heart

grays, worried kidneys


Art work by Yaron Rosner

Art work by Yaron Rosner

There are the hardenings of defense

the thinnings of despair

the wrinkles coarse and strong

or fine and effaced


Each line and hue

tells the story of its bearer

points to a history

of doing and undoing


There is no hiding

The Scent Of Lemons

To Amnon Zamir


Photograph by Yaron Rosner


You carry the Scent of lemons,

of gathered Sun, weathered

like Salt into your existence

Millennia of unsettled Dust


With the Fullness of pomegranates

the voices of my Ancestors roll

off your tongue, fall to my feet

as you turn, lean towards me


Touching your cheek, I hear them

call me Home, pleading

me to remember


I shudder in your warmth

Pine beneath

my golden welcome,

your mouth stamps

me with my essence

Patience I whisper,

and return to the pact

I have made my life

in Exile to be.