Have You Been Your Own Messiah?


Do you ever Wonder

If I were to die Now

would I die stupid?


has my life been full

of giving a hand

listening to broken

hearts, the keening

of Geese, interspersed

with picking my nose

sharing my food, my drink

heeding the Call of Destiny?


Did I Stand enough?

Balance those moments

when cowering, I Sat?


Do you ever Wonder

who would I be Now

were I to die hit by a car



what have you done

for Yourself, Others

the Earth?


You realize too

once the few

who know you Pass

no memory of your Time

Here remains


Do you ever wonder

Have I been my own Messiah?


Art Work by Yaron Rosner

Art Work by Yaron Rosner

                                                                                                                                           Für Meine Christina

Skirting The Moment

I have taken my head apart

allowed you to interfere

with the grace that bubbles

Art Work By Yaron Rosner

Art Work By Yaron Rosner

in my belly such a geyser

I have let your presence

tamper with my inner quiet

and in between

I have brushed my teeth,

I have boiled water

and asked myself when

I’d speak to you,

I have cooked

and cajoled, I have kissed

and been kissed, only

to find myself thinking

of when I would approach

you, reveal myself, show

you the wounding

from and the longing

for, your friendship,

and in between

I have journaled,

washed dishes, knowing

the time must be soon

and will be of my choosing, or not

and then I slept, deeply-

opened the door at dawn

for my cat who tapped my cheek

with its paw, I did not think

of you then, but returned to the warmth

of my bed. I awoke a second time

to my daughter’s request for food

and knew that today would be the moment

I boiled water for tea and coffee, made

French and ordinary toast, slipped

on my clothes and brushed my teeth

brushed my hair and oiled my face,

I drove, wrote, in the knowing

that the moment is in the seizing

the moment is now or not.