
Like Water

seeping into the Ground


running along Rootlets

such dirtbound dendrites

dangling off Roots

into deeper Depths


fast and insidiously


Far down in the Earth

reaching Aquifers

large Underground Lakes

Porously Joined

connecting Tributary Streams

And their Mighty Rivers

Such massive Arteries

Across land

Like Flesh

Reaching at Length

that greater expanse

the Ocean


Rumors, once moving amongst

Us like Water,

Now, “likes” Fastening us each to

each, by Hand, Finger

and cyber Scrolls

2014-08-20-Yaron's roots_2_2


The Blank Page Syndrome

Yaron work  4

It is the blank page syndrome

finding the thought or feeling

that will shake

the immovable lake

 large body of water

I draw from

the timeliness of an image

allows those inspired bubbles

rise to this blue surface

 I am

Those moments

when breathing through gills

I never knew I had

a page fills with words

spreading as ink

such a rumor

and like a rumor

there is a little bit

of truth in it

for everyone