The Swimmer

Art Work by Yaron Rosner

Art Work by Yaron Rosner


Moving from shoal

to shoal, he disappears

close to the creek

reappears around the sharp rocks

the swimmer

proceeds in Silence

diligent, focused

the swimmer pursues a goal,

looking peeking, assessing,

moving on wordlessly

leaving no trace, no sign

as the sea slowly heaves

 in and away,

 Breath of a patient Mother


the Swimmer

advances along the edgy

coast, showing no effort

as if gliding through oil

unaware, he perseveres

bobbing, peering, bobbing


Absorbing the tenacity

I see a Force


than the Man Himself

Dictating his will to live

Stay Alive

come what may

Barbed Wire

desperate hunger

there for him

