On This Day


On this Day

I write for You


On this Day

Our Memories Collide

Merge and Coalesce

make us that Single

Person with so many Others

where, with amalgamated

memories potentiating

each other

we become a part

of something so much Bigger


our personal wills ineffective

we can only feel

and re-feel


a Spiral of ever increasing

and decreasing



On this Day

you and I

are One

Encompassing a Body

of Millions


whether of The Murdered

 The Survivors

or The Saved

we are them

and each other

For a Day


On this Day

I write for Us


November 11

To my Father who Honored this Day with Fervor


le 11 Novembre


Soaked in the Loss of 8 Million

Dead, Wasted and Mutilated

You Grew

Honoring them Religiously

Every November

the Sound of church Bells


A Command to Memory

year after year

 the struggle for freedom

its Maintenance


Vigilantly you moved ahead

Marked with the Impermanence

of your generation

it was shock

not surprise

When It Happened All Over Again


You engaged yourself

as you knew They had,

the Millions who Fought

for your Freedom,

you Honored them

by never giving up

and Fighting for Ours



Like an Ancient edifice

Sinking into surrounding water

Every year an inch, a foot

The encroaching liquid surges


The Foundation disappears

The first floor windows dissolve

The 2d floor disintegrates

Engulfed by time Rising

Dismantled in this sea of Constant Change


The Story too disperses

Maintained by the Living who Care


Are connected somehow to this Structure

Survivors dwindling

Soon the waters will swallow up

The remains


Who will apply themselves

To the memory of what will be nothing

more than an immovable surface?

And Why?


Times passes, Memories live on

In a Handful who Recall

Repeat, Remind

Who listens?


D-Day June 6 1944

D-Day June 6 1944