The Stories We Carry

Drawing by Yaron Rosner

Entwined in the network

of our lives

are the stories we tell,

the events small and big

of months and weeks

we partake, delve

listen, sometimes gush

But, it is in the embraided

quality of our connectedness

that we relate

one to another

reveal our humanity

strong and weak

hard or forgiving

and find in our resemblance

the strength to continue

the valiance to accept

the heart to see the beauty

we share, social beings

that we are,

to pretend otherwise

is to live a life alone

dry as dry ice is dry,

and in the end

to die of thirst

a plant apart

with no story at all

12 thoughts on “The Stories We Carry

  1. I wish I could suspend this beautiful piece in the air before me as an exquisite reminder of the importance of community and being connected.

  2. in the embraided quality of our connectedness… c’est tres beau ca.
    beaucoup aimé.

  3. You did it Kiki………….thank you for sharing your special gift with all of us.
    yes being connected, is living!

  4. Keep the artistic juices flowing. A life examined is indeed the better life.

  5. Kiki, The Stories We Carry resonated with me right away. What is the best mirror for the meaning for our lives if not for the relationships we work to develop and sustain. I think it’s our human connectedness that paves the way for us to examine our own lives – our mirrors! This one is beautiful! mz

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