The Keening

Few are the voices

you’d return for

Few are the Faces you stay for


Few are the Moments left

What keeps us vacillating

between here, the beyond

the stronger Call

A silent battle

to stay or to go

How long the wear of Habit

until the Choice of here

or there, becomes this

and maybe something better?

4 thoughts on “The Keening

  1. listen , smile ….always remember the scent of that moment …always makes you remember where you were & where your going ..

  2. The Keening” just captured so much for me, i.e., Discernment of who and what i give time to – which can lead to a clear Choice of present awareness, an authentic moment even, instead of the blurry automatic. But then, this is clunky paraphrasing of what you offered so beautifully.
    Thanks, Kikaroo

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