The Scent Of Lemons

To Amnon Zamir


Photograph by Yaron Rosner


You carry the Scent of lemons,

of gathered Sun, weathered

like Salt into your existence

Millennia of unsettled Dust


With the Fullness of pomegranates

the voices of my Ancestors roll

off your tongue, fall to my feet

as you turn, lean towards me


Touching your cheek, I hear them

call me Home, pleading

me to remember


I shudder in your warmth

Pine beneath

my golden welcome,

your mouth stamps

me with my essence

Patience I whisper,

and return to the pact

I have made my life

in Exile to be.


9 thoughts on “The Scent Of Lemons

  1. quel beau cadeau d’anniversaire.
    quelle chance que j’ai d’avoir maintenant un poeme sur moi!
    c’est si beau! merci kiki, merci yaron. je vous aime pour de bon.


  2. Thanks, Kiki. And an extra pleasure to read those words above, en français, by the gentleman from whom the Scent emanates.

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