The Onion

With Trauma

there always seems

to be another layer

to revisit.

Just as you think

“I understand this”

just as that pinch

in the heart

reveals a deeper

grasp, complex

simplicity of feelings

kept under cover, breathless,

awaiting with keen inflammation

a moment’s respite

from this tight chamber

without windows…

Just then

the next layer appears

more questions;


a sense of awe and wonder

at the depths to be found within

the outfit of our multiple

bodies, physical, mental,



Walking In The Onion Field Photograph by Nick Zungoli

Walking In The Onion Field
Photograph by Nick Zungoli

12 thoughts on “The Onion

  1. I love the analogy Keren. The likening of each experience and emotion and the mark they leave to that of something so simple, accessible and global as the layers of an onion. I will be cooking this evening with a different perspective on that versatile vegetable!

  2. Why does every really good soup or stew begin with cooking onions? And the smell of onions cooking in butter…so much a part of daily life – of what we life with. Not in passive compliance, but as a challenge to know ourselves. Breathing in the deep scent of onions.

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