
the lies we tell ourselves

Convince ourselves of

the white linings

we fabricate,

just a bit longer

Just until I reach This point…

like cards perpetually



for dear life


until one day

that flash of Transparency

in a heartbeat


the light Strengthens

consenting focus

the cards are gone

the linings

the lies are what they have always been

that Moment of Nudity



harder as time passes

and all the more Necessary


No blame

merely the simple Modesty

of our Tangible reality


Photograph by Nick Zungoli

Photograph by Nick Zungoli

6 thoughts on “Atonement

  1. Yes, dearest one, what truth you speak. Once again you capture the fleeting, yet permanent sense of time and perception. xoxo

  2. Sometimes it seems like you’ve been floating over my shoulder making poems of my life!
    What a great gift you have!!

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