Hearing Them Leave

Nails hammered to leather soles

striking the Cobblestone

Screaming in the Wooden silence

of those Black and Silver days

I heard them Go


Such a Tuning Fork, that resonance

is the Background of my life

the Tapestry of Noise against which

all else Echoes


Muttering incessantly I cannot die

hold on, lest the Memory fade

in the race to Forget


I am the Wave Length of those buildings

that are no longer


I am a Frequency to those who come

revisit the places of horror

we dare not Ignore


I resonate Relentless, such ghost pains

for those who will listen, remember

and Keep Living


For those who deny, won’t hear

I drive them to Tone Madness


I, I am Sound Memory.

Art Work by Yaron Rosner

Art Work by Yaron Rosner


15 thoughts on “Hearing Them Leave

    • Thank you Paula, deep bow to you to whom those 2 adjectives completely apply, thank you.

  1. Wow — I think of visual, olfactory, tactile and gustatory senses as strong evokers of past memories. What a brilliant reminder of the power of sound as a sensory link to our past. xoxo

    • Oddly it felt like it had found me, I was awed and overwhelmed at once.

  2. Tu es pour moi :” Words Memory ” pour des passes que j’ai vecus ,sentis,et reinventes grace a toi ! Alors encore cette fois :merci!

    • Chère Suzanne, parfois je pense que j’écris pour toi, sans le savoir pourtant; ton commentaire est pour moi une preuve que je n’invente rien, que ce que j’ai ressentis dans ces rues à Berlin est réel, même si je ne l’ai pas directement vécu, car les survivants comme toi me le confirme, alors à moi de te dire encore cette fois: merci Suzanne.

  3. Poignant my dear friend….your poem evokes a thousand sensations…..

    • Merci Andrea, il doit y avoir tant de resonances où tu vis… xxix

  4. Dear Kiki – Your poem touched and moved me deeply. The imagery is so poignant that opened my mind in a thousand directions. I turn my back on the curse of memories of untold horrors only to find myself with my eyes and heart still open. I see my father and my father’s father looking through me with awe at what they never even dreamt of dreaming, quenching the embers with purpose and renewed life. Kiki – keep on dreaming and being an inspiration to all of us.
    Thank you.

    • What a beautiful image that of your forefathers looking through you, I see them Ignacio, I do, thank you!

  5. “Screaming in the wooden silence” is a powerful (auditory and visual) image… I love this one, so true how sound echoes and resonates within us. Keen triggers.

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