PLUTO Ruler of the Underworld

A queen concealed

behind the mask of a male deity

your Realm, the undifferentiated

instinctual world, defines

our humanity or lack thereof


the earthbound laws of our world incarnate

limitations of our flesh

painful or ecstatic

your promise, trial by fire

leaves us with Bare Bones,

the beauty of which, unfathomable,

cannot be apprehended


the miracle of feeling

the Core of one’s existence

feared as punishment

experienced as the expiation

of hubris and its artifice


You rumble beneath us

shaming our lives wrapped

in the illusion of grandiosity:

we are but peons of honor

as we tread this Earth

struggling with your rules

until exhausted, we surrender


or die



4 thoughts on “PLUTO Ruler of the Underworld

  1. It is indeed astonishing what lies beyond, or below, the realm of humanity. Frightening even….That’s my interpretation of it anyway. Not sure if I would dare or even care to venture there. Then again, I am not as adventurous as I once was, Keren. For what it is worth, my stream of consciousness upon reading your poem. x

  2. There is so much here — each time I read it again, something new is revealed to contemplate. The universe beyond our world of flesh and physical senses feels closer through your words.

  3. Once again, you take my breath away,my heart quickens as i read your words..
    I love when that happens!

  4. Profondément exquis, ma chére Kiki!
    May the ‘concealed Queen’ be unveiled soon, …to rule us with compassionate brilliance 😀

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