The Chosun Moment

The Moment the world

as you know it


Slips onto a parallel path

oddly Arduous

yet so Enriched

teaches the intense

Fulfillment of Perseverance

at the heart of adversity

And if Chosen


in the face

of ever-changing



our infinitesimal place

in Life’s Design

The Challenge

Of Being

Here, Now

So close And so far


stepping onto the dojang floor


 The Moment of Agency


The Chosun Moment

3 thoughts on “The Chosun Moment

  1. Reminding me so much of that French adage ‘On est peu de choses…..’ A beautiful ode to that necessary human trait of perseverance Keren .., x

  2. Nice play on words! It also serves as a reminder of how our spiritual and physical practices can be metaphors for other aspects of our life and the world around us. So lovely xoxo

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