The Grey Matter

It Is

in the unlikely Shadows

of Ambiguity

Your Rest is found


After the Struggle

That Is;


after kicking and screaming

in the Face of uncertainty’s

formless Fog

Exhaustion creeps, loosens,

eases the Armor

allows it to Shift

slip, slide, Until

Thrown Aside

a Naked and hesitant Rise ensues


there being nothing

to Fight, there is Nothing

to lose


the fog drapes

in Greys

comforting the bewildered


mindful that certainty

is not a goal

but a fleeting outcome

if at all


the goal would be

to proceed here,


in the moment


Photograph by Nick Zungoli

Photograph by Nick Zungoli

13 thoughts on “The Grey Matter

  1. So powerfully rich in metaphor — your words take my breath away! In a world of paradox you’ve revealed the truth. xoxo

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