
Particles, Infinitesimally Small

Bonding Repelling


Creating Matter

As we know it

Us, as we Are

Matching Composition

Of Stars and all Manner of Life

Reproducing Endlessly, Dying


something else takes our place

Life Rolling Into Itself



Can we stop a Moment

Take a look, Shudder

As we Marvel in the Redundancy

Of our Minds?


Why Are We Here?


Art Work by Yaron Rosner

Art Work by Yaron Rosner

Written In Water

Written in the water of my life

are the whale songs of my beginning

long moans recalling the trappings

of my condition as well as the joys

of its definition

words appear, dissolve

elusively uttering riddles

leaving me to churn in the flow

of their meaning

Carried by the movement

I cannot fight

lest I be drowned

by the oblivion of unconscious thought

Spiraling I revisit the sounds

at once strange and familiar

until in recognition

they find their resting place

in the resonance of my beating heart.

whale songs

The Scent Of Lemons

To Amnon Zamir


Photograph by Yaron Rosner


You carry the Scent of lemons,

of gathered Sun, weathered

like Salt into your existence

Millennia of unsettled Dust


With the Fullness of pomegranates

the voices of my Ancestors roll

off your tongue, fall to my feet

as you turn, lean towards me


Touching your cheek, I hear them

call me Home, pleading

me to remember


I shudder in your warmth

Pine beneath

my golden welcome,

your mouth stamps

me with my essence

Patience I whisper,

and return to the pact

I have made my life

in Exile to be.


King Island

Steeped in the abundance of stories told

She grew

A hum of voices lulling her spirit

Into fullness

Repeating names

Describing places of long ago

An island,

Houses perched Precariously

On cliffs

Beaten by a Vehement sea

Bountiful Traditions, ice fishing

carving, and Dancing – a life

Of millennia –


Like a wash of color

Deeply embedded

In the fiber of her being

Woven into her flesh

Is a longing She can’t define,

Pointing to her ancestors

She explains

That is where they lived

Half the year, in the Winter

She herself, has never been,

Imagines, smells, thirsts

A life no longer lived

Yet beats on, in her existence

Courses through her body

Evokes memories

Which are not hers – But Are –


With the persistence of a Survivor

She tells you

Of this world lost

To the arbitrary western mind

how she wants to return,

like one robbed of her Belonging

Her inheritance


King Island, Alaska. Photograph Dave Cohoe

King Island, Alaska Photograph Dave Cohoe

the dust of my beginning II

The dust of my beginning

Is the Breathing of my mother’s sighs

As she heaves the hills and deserts of my Belonging

The dust of my Becoming

Is what rises from my footfalls

As I search my mother’s contours

Question her substance

Look beneath the dirt of her surface

I sweat under the sun’s eye

chill in the night’s shadow

Until I find her

Gurgling between moss and stone

revealing the secret of her Determination

Through the sweetness of this liquid sound.

I embrace the Dust of my life

As I steep in the clarity of this water

My home for a Moment,

I know the dust to be my condition

The water my reward

Together they define my existence

Without them I am an Orphan

A beggar with no hands

dust of my Beg


To my grandfather

a Spirit you Appear

through your written elegance

A visionary you Hover

in the wounded Flesh

of your children’s hearts, who

remember you Vehemently

but in fact, hardly

Stories waft in pieces, Scents

Sounds of darbuka,

they vanish as quickly

nothing retains them, nobody

really knows the man

who died of an ancient virus

caught upon opening

the buried vaults

of Forgotten gods

By way of your Book

you visit me, Reveal

yourself , your love

for a land which raised you

was not yours, still

houses your Bones

I picture your soul

as the wind lifts the Sand

restless Circling

questioning the years

you spent on your own

Waiting to die

so far from those

who needed you most.

Yaron _2

Wrestling With Angels

Like Jacob and his deeper daimon

all Night struggling

until at dawn the Angel

relents, dissolving

into Morning Light



Nightmares bubbling

up from our unconscious lives

Banging at the door of Awakening

discomfort born of Resistance

a story to hear, a complaint to file

the hidden Tenant

of our innermost Basement

The cost of civil Disobedience



Was it an Angel Jacob,

or was it just a nightmare

you wrestling with a deeper

more numinous part of yourself?



Was it just a nightmare Jacob?

Is there a difference?

blurry sm feather