I Could Wander

I could wander, pacing

the places I walked before,

knowing them again and for the first time

I could call your name,

hear it slip off my tongue,

whisper through grasses

I could forever search your scent

that I would find here then there


Instead, I sit by the quiet of rippling water

in which I see myself smiling

I kicked off my shoes

which sank to the bottom

of the blueness before me, barefoot,

I wander with my spirit

Ceased measuring my life

in kilometers, stopped tracing

my well being with changing backdrops


The only one now is the sun greeting me

and taking leave, over this great expanse

of ever-changing liquid

My heart stands still, content

to know itself, and you,

you are everywhere, in everything

Photograph by Nick Zungoli

Photograph by Nick Zungoli

On Top Of The World Looking Down

It is a cool and dark space

The top of the world

Not the light filled place

People dream of

Rather continuously overlapping

Shades of Grey, tricking

The undiscerning eye

Into a fog of illumination

Quite like heat In the Desert,

but for my Eye

These shades tell the story

Of lives after lives

The secrets whispered

The fears roared, the pain

Moaned and the Joy sung

From the top of the world

I navigate the calls

For help, the summons

for presence, the commands

to attention.

From these heights, I long

At times to descend

Join the chorus of Beauty

And Loss

Hold the extended hand

Caress the sobbing head

Move with the dancing bodies,

That I too, should be of this flesh

Know the taste of water

Photograph by Nick Zungoli

Photograph by Nick Zungoli

The Stories We Carry

Drawing by Yaron Rosner

Entwined in the network

of our lives

are the stories we tell,

the events small and big

of months and weeks

we partake, delve

listen, sometimes gush

But, it is in the embraided

quality of our connectedness

that we relate

one to another

reveal our humanity

strong and weak

hard or forgiving

and find in our resemblance

the strength to continue

the valiance to accept

the heart to see the beauty

we share, social beings

that we are,

to pretend otherwise

is to live a life alone

dry as dry ice is dry,

and in the end

to die of thirst

a plant apart

with no story at all