The Wait

Swaying on the floor of the lake

among soft

and blackened leaves

I wait

Battle, a thing of the Past

 faded weapons

 dampened alarm

the sirens quiet at last,

Vigilance Dissolved

into rolling liquid

my body surrenders

wavers to the current’s


breathing a deeper breath

even anticipation has melted,

lulled weightless by the water

no delay, just lingering

I wait

Art Work By Jessica Hengen

Art Work By Jessica Hengen

15 thoughts on “The Wait

  1. Such soothing words — melting, dissolving, swaying — make me want to enter this watery world, in spite of an echo of violence. Beautiful!

  2. A million interpretations of this one Keren, but really only one……..

  3. Magicienne!! C’est triste,c’est beau,c’est vrai. Toujours merci pour m’eveiller et me sortir de mes artichaux.(Mais pourquoi j’ai dis ca??!!) love

    • Chere Suzanne, comme j’aime tes commentaires et tes artichauts! Merci!!

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