The Vessel

Close to Shore

She Yearns

Anchored in the Bay

She gently Rocks-

back and forth

the handling

hull scrubbing



the Captain draws

long  breaths

leaning forward

into the Journey


everyday the comings

and goings intensify,

the Hesitaters

kick sand on the beach

looking at their feet

should I go or should I stay?

The volume rises, the pitch


Anticipation Magnifies

Until one morning

the Bustle gone

we wake to an unsettling


peering across the Water

there She is

a shape in the distance

dissolving into the Horizon

while the sand kickers

continue shuffling

one foot to another,

She is on her Way

valiantly focused

on catching the Wind

in her sails

meeting each Wave


Never to Return as She Left


Photograph by Nick Zungoli

Photograph by Nick Zungoli

10 thoughts on “The Vessel

  1. Beautiful! It is incredible but true how the feet shuffling sand think of the ocean in terms of sand. I see that ship sailing and, I promise you Kiki, my feet are not kicking sand, at some point I’ll just miss the ship.
    Love you!

  2. Beloved Kiki, Our ship has already sailed!! You are glowing in the horizon guiding all the sand shufflers with your brilliant words!
    See you in the world. Love you much! Christina

    • If I could draw a heart right “here” I would. This key board limitless and limited won’t allow it…
      Thank you! xoxo <3

  3. A million images and interpretations rush through my head Keren! The desperate souls seeking asylum as they cross the Mediterranean, the brave ones who leave their comfort zone to face the unknown, to name but two……what wonderful words my dear x

    • Wow Andrea you have opened my eyes to a whole other side by mentioning thaw asylum seekers…Can you believe me when I say that even though I have been following that closely, I didn’t realize how much it influenced me? Weird, the images that seep in, bury themselves, then rise masked! Thank you Andrea!

  4. There is so much to connect with, at so many levels, Kiki. Those times when I was the hesitater, and those times when I said “yes” to the journey, always coming back changed. This evokes the sentiment — one never regrets the things one does in life, only the things one didn’t do — but ever so much more eloquently. xoxo

    • Dera Claire how beautifully put! Thank you for that. It is true one regrets mostly the things one didn’t do…

    • Wow, interesting, we are going to have more and more of them…

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